Call for Participants
Designing New Tools for Audio Sampling

Sampling – the manipulation and playback of existing audio – is a tried and tested method for the composition of new sound works. As well as lowering the barrier of entry for complex sound design tasks, the use of samples can also provide novel and meaningful ways of relating with and between cultural data.

Recent advances in digital signal processing suggest a new frontier in audio processing. Deep learning tools present opportunities for manipulating audio in new ways. However, the actual interactions which underpin the creation and deployment of these tools have been largely ignored.

This work, part of my PhD in Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence and Music seeks to inform the design of new systems for sampling, exploring challenges and oppurtunities for human interaction with real-time deep learning systems along the way.

Ways to Get Involved

Below is a list of ways you can get involved in the project. It will be updated as oppurtunities start and end, so dont worry if it's different from last time!

1: Tell Me About Sampling and You

Existing research into musicians and samples primarily focusses on the musical function of a sample. This is great! But I want to understand the process. How do you think about sampling? How does it make you feel? How do you think your favourite sampler work? Are you (n)ever thinking about sampling? Should we even call it that?

  • If you want to rant at me via email, send me your music, or just ask questions – you can! I'm at a.l.noel-hirst[at]qmul[dot]ac[dot]uk and I'd love to hear from you.

  • We are also recruiting for a small number of one-off interviews about samples. We have funding to compensate people for interviews at around £40-£60 per hour 1. Email me for more info.

2: Keep an Eye out

Future work (pending the results and funding from pilot), will include workshops and open source software for sampling devices which leverage explainable AI.

3: Ask Me Questions/Make Suggestions

If you don't understand some of my work, or the reasons for why I've done something, please ask! Similarly, if you think I could be doing something a better way, or if I'm covering something which has already been done to death, let me know via email a.l.noel-hirst[at]qmul[dot]ac[dot]uk.

Register Interest

You can register interest for these studies on a rolling basis with the below form:

  1. Subject to number of participants